A Dog Walker's Holiday, Memorial Day Weekend continues

What does a NYC dog care professional, a dog walker, dog nanny, who works independently (meaning, there are no indentured young people aka children here or significant others to help feed, walk, groom, clean up after, and entertain the dogs in the care of Aunt Christine) do on a holiday? She still walks the dogs, cleans up after them, grooms them, cooks the assorted veggies to be added to meals, feeds them, medicates some of them, and entertains all of them. She hopes to find enough free time to catch up on laundry if she's lucky. My holidays are what are known as bus-man's holidays, bus-driver's holidays, only I call them dog-walker's holidays.

Sometimes, she carves out free time to be a couch potato and surf the web. This Memorial Day Weekend, all of Saturday was spent out walking with the dogs, residents and visitors, taking photographs, enjoying the activities. Sunday, we're sort of taking a day off and having a day of peace and contentment. A good day to search the NY Times for articles of interest on dogs and New York City.

In searching the Times I came across a touching slide show and accompanying article "Dogs Serving Veterans." Experiencing much fear and trepidation at being accused of plagiarising the NY Times, rather than try and excerpt any of the contents here I will just post the links to the slide show and article. I recommend both to you, the images are heartwarming and relevant this holiday of remembering loved ones and those who sacrifice in service of our country. Click here for the slide show link. Click here for the article "Veterans Helped by Healing Paws" by Karen Jones, November 10, 2008).
