Memorial Day NYC Central Park

A beautiful Saturday for Memorial Day Weekend. After finishing various chores, including setting up a Flickr Group for this blog, I unfolded the dog stroller, leashed up the dogs, and we headed out to see what New York City was up to. The first thing I noticed was that the outdoor tables at the local restaurants were buzzing with customers. Odd for Memorial Day Weekend to see so many brunchers, brunching. The three little dogs (Giorgio, Cherry and Cybill) had done their business and were now happily ensconced in their chic dog stroller (I refuse to use the word doggie anymore) while Pug Gremlin had her leash tethered to the stroller handle. Gremlin is just a little too large to share the stroller. As we headed West towards 5th Avenue, NYC still appeared just as busy as any Saturday. On to 5th Avenue, lots of pedestrian traffic made me glad the little dogs were safe in their stroller and not underfoot. Gremlin, at least, is large enough to be seen and not trampled. The area outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art was hideous with people, all of them tourists, strolling, milling about, gawking at one another and then laughing and pointing at us, at me and my little dogs. It was really quite insulting. We rushed to get into the safety of Central Park where, finally, the crowds thinned and the dogs were able to get out of the stroller (thanks Giorgio for promptly lifting your leg on the wheels). I love it when New York City empties out, when the residents who have "country homes" pack up and leave. Sadly, it appears that there are more of us staying home in the city this season because this Memorial Day Saturday, NYC was far more crowded than in past years.
