A rare visit to a NYC dog run this week.

As mentioned earlier, we had several days of persistent drizzle here which makes walking a little tiring. Rain is ok. Drizzle is not. Its really annoying, like being stuck inside a never-ending cloud.

The one benefit is, the dog runs empty out and I get a chance to let one of my dogs in off leash. I have found that going into a dog run or congregating with any off leash dogs is just not worth the associated angst and inevitable confrontations. Nine out of ten dog owners simply do not supervise (pay any attention) let alone control their dogs' behavior.

We strolled over to the Museum of Natural History and just for the heck of it, checked out the dog run (this one is Bull Moose). It was unoccupied so we went in and I had a rare opportunity to get a photo of Rochester (English Springer Spaniel) minus his leash. Curiously, Rochester wasn't really that excited to be off leash. He sniffed around a bit, ignored Winnie's (French Bulldog we were walking with) efforts to engage him, and hung out by my side the entire time. It wasn't any fun so we left.

So much for our dog run adventure.
