Senator Edward M. Kennedy 1932 - 2009

Senator Edward M. Kennedy

"Every American should have the opportunity to receive a quality education, a job that respects their dignity and protects their safety, and health care that does not condemn those whose health is impaired to a lifetime of poverty and lost opportunity."

Senator Kennedy's contributions included championing humane treatment of animals and the love of his family pets.

Remembering Ted Kennedy: A Lion for Animals, As Well Wayne Pacelle, Humane Society of the United States, August 26, 2009 His compassion extended far beyond his own family’s pets. He was a stalwart ally over the years on a wide range of legislation to protect companion animals, farm animals, animals in research, and wildlife. Measures he cosponsored and voted for included those to crack down on dogfighting and cockfighting, ban horse slaughter, curb abuses at puppy mills, end the slaughter of “downed” animals (those too sick or injured to stand and walk), limit federal subsidies for very large factory farms, condemn Canada’s commercial seal hunt, halt poaching of bears for their viscera, block oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and restrict taxpayer funding for use of steel-jaw leghold traps on national wildlife refuges. Sen. Kennedy also consistently joined calls, beginning in 2001, for increased funding to ensure viable oversight and enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, and other key laws. [ here to read the entire tribute.]

I hope you'll visit the family's official page and add your tribute to Senator Kennedy.

Ask not to whom the torch is passed; it passes to you and me and to all Americans who believe "the dream never dies." (c. m. pellicano 8-29-09)
